During this past snow storm we had a customers check get lost in the mail. It was a check we really needed to pay our business bills. She had two small children and was working at home because of the weather. Despite the conditions outside, Stacey was nice enough to offer to meet us so we could pick up the replacement check. Mind you, she stayed home from work because of the weather, but was still willing to meet us so we could get paid.
Yesterday, I got this message in my email:
Good Morning Pat,
I just got back in the Wixom
office today and found the most wonderful (and yummy looking) present.
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness, it is always a pleasure to work with
a great vendor.
Looking forward to working
together again soon!
Was it necessary to thank her in this manner. Absolutely not. Will she remember us the next time they need a job done. Well... I am betting that the answer is YES. How do you feel when somebody recognizes the small things you do every day in your job?
Have a fabulous day,
Pat Deere
Was it necessary to thank her in this manner. Absolutely not. Will she remember us the next time they need a job done. Well... I am betting that the answer is YES. How do you feel when somebody recognizes the small things you do every day in your job?
Have a fabulous day,
Pat Deere
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